SEND Help and Support

Hoe does Noadswood know if my child needs extra held and what should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?

In the Summer Term before students are due to start at Noadswood a liaison meeting is held between Liz Hyland and the SENCOs at all the feeder schools. During this meeting information is passed on about individual students if they have or have had any SEND needs.

In addition, we compile further information about each student, which include reading tests and a spelling test are completed.

Further assessments are carried out throughout a student’s time at Noadswood to support any exam Access Arrangements and/or to provide teaching and support staff with as detailed a picture of need as possible.

How will the Curriculum be matched to my Child’s Needs

Data is used to accurately track student progress. Our aim is to support your child in achieving progress both academically and in other areas too. Good practice is shared by colleagues on a regular basis. Subject department meetings and INSET days are examples of times when staff work co-operatively to overcome learning barriers that students may experience.

Here are some practical examples

We have a supported break and lunchtime club to foster social skills and self-esteem.

We have an individualised transition programme for Year 6 students and work closely with the feeder schools to ensure students feel happy and confident in Year 7.

We have a supported Homework Club for students in Years 7, 8 and 9.

Staff are trained to carry out specific physiotherapy programmes.

What support will there be for my child's overall well-being?

Our team to support your child includes House Leaders for Guidance, House Leaders for Learning, a School ELSA, a School Counsellor and LSA Support Assistants.

Who is Who at Noadswood

All our staff are involved and committed to providing education and support for SEND students.

If you are concerned about your child please do contact your child's House Leader or for any enquiries about SEND Provision at Noadswood contact Liz Hyland (visit our contact us page).