Pupil Premium

Noadswood prides itself on being a caring and inclusive community in which students can thrive and develop, regardless of who they are, where they're from or what their abilities are. 

We want all of our students to make excellent progress, both in their studies and their academic attainment but also in their much wider and broader development. 

With this in mind then, we want to ensure that all students are provided with:

  • A culture that supports their emotional well-being 
  • Mutual respect in a happy and safe community 
  • Outstanding teachers and staff who support and enable academic success
  • Opportunities to follow their passions, whatever they may be, through a wide range of extracurricular opportunities 

Noadswood wants to make sure that the funding we receive is used to support our most vulnerable students whilst at the same time, ensuring high quality provision for all. 

We want all our students to feel safe and happy coming to school and want Noadswood to be a place that students want to attend. We know that attendance can be a major barrier to well-being, progress and outcomes. We are committed then, to working closely with our attendance officer and pastoral team to break down these barriers. We will use the funding to support students' attendance, being creative and innovative in how the funding available can be used to make Noadswood the place that students need it to be. 

We want to make sure that our curriculum and the teaching and learning that takes place within the classroom, meets the needs of all of our students and ensures that additional support is put in place for those who need it most. 

We also use the funding to support a wider range of strategies that you can see outlined in our statement below. You will note that some of the funding is used not solely for those identified as Pupil Premium but for any students who may be facing other disadvantages and need additional support, such as support with their emotional health and well-being for example. 

Should you wish to discuss anything at regarding our pupil premium funding or your child's entitlement, please contact our Deputy Headteacher, Mrs Helen Loveday. 

Our pupil premium statement for the academic year 2024 - 2025 can be found by clicking here.