Welcome to Redwood

Launched in September 2021, Redwood is a Specialist Resource Provision for pupils with social, emotional and mental health needs who are academically able, and present with low arousal and high levels of anxiety which in turn have become a barrier to accessing learning and social opportunities. Places are allocated by Hampshire SEN following on from formal consultation, usually via the Annual Review.
We recognise that every pupil follows their own path through education and although they are all integrated into the main school and have the same opportunities as mainstream pupils, there are some pupils that can access the mainstream provision more than others. As a result, we have identified the three Redwood pathways:
Pathway 1 – Pupils follow a bespoke curriculum accessing whole class lessons in the mainstream classroom, with some support and attend interventions in Redwood as per EHCP.
Pathway 2 – Pupils follow a bespoke curriculum accessing some whole class lessons in the mainstream classroom with an increased level of support, high levels of reset and interventions in Redwood as per EHCP and presenting needs.
Pathway 3 – Pupils follow a highly bespoke curriculum, mostly based in Redwood with opportunities to access whole class lessons in the mainstream classroom with support, small group and 1:1 learning alongside high levels of reset and interventions in Redwood as per EHCP and presenting needs.
We have recently introduced learning opportunities outside of the classroom for identified pupils and these include therapeutic fishing, use of the Gym at the local leisure centre and the launch of a Life Skills programme.
Pupils on any pathway are able to access Redwood at any time during the school day for a movement break or when they need a quiet place to go. Redwood pupils can also use the space at break and lunch times if they wish.
All academic learning takes place in the mainstream classroom. There is no direct teaching in Redwood, this is the pupil’s safe space and somewhere that they can use when they are not feeling ready for class.
The Redwood hours are slightly longer than the mainstream offer (8.30am start, 3.15pm finish) as this enables us to have some time to check-in with the pupils at the start of the day to find out how they are and gives them the opportunity to ask any questions about their day. We use the extra time at the end of the day for reflection and to unpick any situations that occurred during the day so that these can be spoke about and resolved before going home.
Each pupil follows a personalised timetable which includes all of their lessons as well as any interventions that are stated in their EHCP. As standard, all pupils have three interventions built into their timetable each week: 1:1 keyworker, Social skills and Sensory regulation. We also offer Literacy and Numeracy interventions if identified on the pupil’s EHCP.
In Redwood, we have a social room and then upstairs, we have two learning rooms in which pupils have the option of using an individual study desk or the group table.

We have a kitchen area where pupils can have a snack or a drink during the day, pupils can also bring food in from home if they follow a restricted diet. We have a quiet room and a sensory snug where pupils can relax, use some fidget toys or the weighted blanket if needed and follow their strategies based around the Zones of Regulation.

Outside, we have a quiet area for those that need a smaller space to be in at break and lunch times, along with some outside gym equipment, an in-ground trampoline, a punch bag and various other piece of equipment that are all positive forms of exercise and support regulation.

As well as following the Zones of Regulation, we form our Social Skills sessions around Alex Kelly’s Talkabout, which is a social communication programme based around self-awareness and self-esteem, body language, the way we look, friendships and assertiveness.
Further layers of the provision include regular visits from Turkey the Greyhound therapy dog from Canine Concern, staff input from Mike Armiger (SEMH Advisor in Education) and regular staff sessions with Kathy Jones (EP from Goodlife Psychology)
If you would like to find out more about Redwood or to arrange a visit, please contact our Provision Lead, Mr C West.