Career Education and Support at Noadswood
Careers education, advice and support is available for all Noadswood students as they consider their post 16 education or training. Students in Years 8-11 have careers lessons and tutor time sessions covering careers education. All students will create a login and password for the Careers Pilot website. (
Noadswood contracts the services of a fully qualified and experienced Careers Adviser who is also a registered professional with the Careers Development Institute. This enables the school to provide independent and impartial Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) to all students by the end of Year 11 in accordance with Section 29 of the Education Act 2011 and subsequent amendments.
Mr Lewis is also able to encourage students with additional learning needs in accessing a range of activities designed to provide more vulnerable young people with a seamless and stress-free transition to post-16 education, employment or training.
Parents and/or Carers are also involved in this process where appropriate, with our Careers Advisor present at key events throughout the year, including options evenings and the annual Year 11 Careers Fair. Parents/carers are able to contact Gordon directly via epraise or email.
Our careers lead is:
Jacey Clews ( supported by our Careers Advisor, Gordon Lewis and our Citizenship lead, Mrs N Sullivan and overseen by our Assistant Headteacher, Helen Loveday. All can be contacted via the normal school telephone number - 02380 840025 or by email:
Careers Provider Access Policy Statement
Careers Policy - Amendments May 2022 (Awaiting Governor Approval)
Labour Market Information Updates
Overview of Careers programme for KS3 and KS4:
Aims and objectives:
We want our students to:
- Understand and develop their personal skills and qualities.
- Grow their employability skills and acquire the skills and knowledge they need to gain and sustain employment.
- Develop the confidence and self-esteem needed to actively seek employment or future learning.
- Have opportunities to explore and investigate a range of post-16 and career options.
For those wishing to access the content taught, please contact Tracy Gates as outlined above.
Autum | Spring | Summer | |
8 | Communication Skills | Teamwork | Entrepreneurship |
9 | Employability: Applying and preparing for a job interview | Enterprising qualities and personalities; work skills | Workplace skills - what can we learn from entrepreneurs? |
10 | Preparing for work experience | RIghts and responsibilities in the work place The right career for me | CV writing Pursuing a career in STEM *Work experience week (2022 - w/c 06.06/22 |
11 | Applying to college and university Preparing for job interviews College Assemblies | Health and Safety at work Trade Unions |
How the school measures and assesses the impact of the Careers programme on students
The career's programme will be assessed using outcomes based on the National Framework and assessment for learning techniques as well as being recorded as part of the Local Education Provider/Careers and Enterprise Company’s Compass + monitoring tool.
This tool allows us to:
- Assess the School’s Career Provision against the Gatsby Benchmark
- Track individual students’ careers interests and intended destinations (what they plan to do after leaving schooll)
- Track individual students’ actual destinations (what they do for 3 years after leaving school).
- Plan and track careers activities for individual students.
- Input and store details of third-party organisations and contacts that can support Noadswood with our careers provision
- Downloads key information for the purposes of nalysis and reporting within Noadswood, providing data to local authorities to support them in their statutory duty to record the intended destinations of 16 year old and to provide systematic records to each student of the individual advice given to them as recommended in the Gatsy Benchmark.
All Year 11 students complete a Future Destinations questionnaire. Our Careers advisor, Gordon Lewis, meets all Year 11 students to confirm their future destinations and provides information to Hampshire Futures, enabling the completion of the County's Annual Activity Survey.
Throughout the pandemic, during the lockdowns, Gordon made individual contact with each Year 11 student over e-rpaise or phone and supplied online guidance for those students struggling with their future planning. In the 2021 Year 11 cohort, 95.6% went on to destinations meeting the DFE criteria of Raising the Participation Age, 1.5% moving to non-RPA and 3 to other. You can find further details of our 2021 cohort Future Activities here: (INSERT LINK TO PDF attached).
The information on this website will be reviewed at least annually and at any change to the named career lead.
Noadswood Alumni
We've reached out to our old alumni over the last year and it has been so fantastic to speak to lots of our ex-students again. So many wonderful experiences, careers, experiences have been shared and with all of them a common thread of how they built friendships and relationships at school. Do visit our Alumni page (click here) to see the paths some of our ex-students have taken in their careers...
Information for Employers
The support of our local community is key to the Careers Education that Noadswood School is able to provide. We are so lucky to have the backing of so many willing and enthusiastic employers, keen to get involved with our school calendar of activities every year. Sharing career experiences and providing opportunities to develop employability skills is invaluable to a young person’s progression and we cannot thank our existing partners enough.
Do you work in a business that could help provide work experience or opportunities for our students?
We are always looking for local businesses that are wanting to inspire and educate our students about the world of work and expand and develop our careers programme. If you think you could help us with practise interviews, talks/presentations to students, provide invaluable work experience or any other opportunities that give students the chance to develop core skills and motivation, please contact our Careers Lead, Jacey Clews, at
If you’re an employer and are curious about how you could get involved, we would love to hear from you! There are many ways you could contribute to the Noadswood School community, and we are always open to new ideas and opportunities.
Please get in touch!
Further advice and support
General Careers Websites:
- Parents Guide to T-Levels
- - The National Careers Service is an online careers database containing information on hundreds of different jobs. It gives you all the essential information you need to know about the job and how to get into it.
- - This is a local website with a really good CV creator and job information including a weekly jobs bulletin.
- - Video site with job profiles to help explore career ideas
- - An online library of careers related films, news and information. The case studies show real people doing real jobs, giving viewers insights into all different careers
- - Job descriptions, facts and articles plus a CV creator and job hunting advice on where to look for work in the South, getting experience and approaching employers.
- – If your school doesn’t use this package, you can still get a free 24 hour guest pass. Find out which jobs and careers might suit you based on your individual interests, learning styles and expectations.
- – GCSE, A-Level and university students share academic and social knowledge: from study help, to choosing a university, careers, and student life. NOTE: Although this site can be useful, it’s largely peoples’ opinions, so may not be 100% accurate or unbiased.
- - Although designed for Graduates, this has a good A-Z of career information and suggestion of what you can do with your subject.
- – graduate career opportunities
- – links to over 300 careers. See Profession Finder tab on home page
- - advice from employers and entrepreneurs on the best ways to succeed in work and business after an unpredictable year
Specific Careers:
- - provide job profiles and general information for people looking for jobs in media, fashion, game design and other creative careers areas
- – Hundreds of career opportunities working in hospitals and health care
- - Great for land-based careers, work with animals, conservation and the environment
- -Travel & Tourism careers
- – Live site advertising apprenticeships available across the UK. Search by occupation and postcode.
- – Lists the apprenticeship training providers working in Hampshire
- – Easy to use, well presented general careers advice website
- - ideas and job vacancies for careers after A levels.
- - University may seem years away, but it is a good idea to look at the UCAS website, especially if there’s a particular subject you would like to study or a specific university you would like to attend. The website shows entry requirements, subject grades and course details
- - Official data from university satisfaction scores in the National Student Survey. Includes jobs and salaries after study and other key information for prospective students.
- – Helps with what to study, where to go and how to get there...
- - to help anyone unsure whether university is right for them to identify how to make the most of a degree to better their employability after graduation
For volunteering and work experience opportunities:
- and -Volunteering and work experience opportunities.
- Also try contacting local charities and businesses for work experience opportunities.
- To support this, it’s a good idea to get a CV and covering letter up together to send out to them.
Our careers page for students on FROG has a huge amount of information - click here to be taken there (this page is updated at the start of each academic year).