
Thinking of Joining Noadswood?

We are so pleased to be able to welcome you to our Noadswood site - it will be updated regularly and gives you lots of information about Noadswood, the culture of wellbeing and learning we have created and acts as a portal for all of the information a prospective parent and student might want to find. There is a whole-host of information on this site, but do contact us if you have any specific questions that you can't find an answer to and we will arrange a call. Applications for secondary school places in Hampshire close on 31/10/2023 (click here to apply) and we very much hope this site gives you an idea of why we are so proud of Noadswood.

The page below has our Noadswood film, our virtual tour, messages from Miss Marshall and our zoom booking form if you require any further details. There is also a section at the bottom called explore further, but please do browse our website as you'll be able to find so much information such as our curriculum with a FAQ for subjects, our learning support department, all the clubs and activities we have on offer, our prospectus and transition welcome booklet for new Year 6, "a day in the life of" - a film produced by our students and lots lots more.


We hope you enjoy your visit, and please do get in touch with us for anything you need.

Our Noadswood Film

We also have our Noadswood film below which gives some further information about us, our values, our supportive culture and everything we are proud of


Our Virtual Tour

We were so disappointed not to be able to show you our school during Open Events, however we hope this short tour video alongside the FAQ subject pages and our new website will give you a feel for Noadswood and why we are so proud of our students, staff and community


School Life

Please do visit our School Life link from the main menu which tells you all about our clubs, pastoral care, learning support department, praise and rewards and lots more. We also have an in-depth curriculum page for each subject with lots of useful information including frequently asked questions.