Finance Audit and Risk Committee

Meetings are normally once termly in which the School Business Manager will give a report on school finances. Other key persons might also be invited to give an overview of their particular area of expertise.

The Committee meets each term to:

  • Provide an overview of financial performance and risk management through a rigorous programme of monitoring, scrutiny and challenge.
  • Scrutinise the budgets for the school and make recommendations to the Board.
  • Ensure adequate risk, financial and asset management systems are in place across the Trust and adhered to. Ensuring:
  • Monitor income, expenditure, cash flow and balance sheet of the Academy.
  • Monitor the Charging Policy and review regularly.
  • Approve contracts with values as set out in the Scheme of Delegation.
  • Support the Board in its monitoring and evaluation of any services and functions provided or procured by the Academy.
  • Monitor the impact of the pupil premium funding within the Academy.
  • Identify proforma risk matters to inform the academy specific risk registers.
  • Review risk reports provided by the executive team and make any recommendations or notifications to the Board as appropriate.

All meetings are recorded and a copy of the minutes tabled at the next full governors meeting.