How accessible is the school?
Noadswood has extensive facilities for disabled students. It is one of four designated mainstream schools for disabled students in Hampshire.
Over 80-85% of Noadswood premises are accessible to wheelchair users. In the main building, a lift is situated. Electronic doors are used to allow ease of access to most parts of the school.
The Role of Learning Support Assistants at Noadswood
We have are large LSA team at Noadswood who work with our SEND students and pupil premium students. LSAs have high expectations of all students and use their skill and knowledge to support all pupils in accessing the learning in lessons. Teaching staff plan their lessons to make effective use of LSAs.
Some LSAs are also allocated a student/s for whom they act as Key Worker. Key Workers are members of staff individually assigned to our more complex/vulnerable students in order to track and support their progress and well-being on a day-to-day basis or a week-to-week basis.
A Key Worker will work with a student/students over a long term period, often throughout the whole of the student’s school life, thus building up a very close working relationship with the student. They will assist them with difficulties as and when they arise, advocating for their needs within the wider school setting and acting as a positive link between the students, staff, outside agencies and parents (families).