Exams and Timetables
Examination timetables are released via ePraise (in your documents folder). They include the subjects, venue, seat number and any learning support requirements (as well as crucial information such as your examination number / top tips for revision and preparation). Do visit our accessing exams timetable page for more information.
*For exams 2022 there is an emergency contingency day on Wednesday 29th June 2022. Please keep this date free, should it need to be used (national guidance will inform us of this).
Do consider the equipment you'll need - it is so important for pens / pencils / rulers / protractors / calculators etc... There is also a new ruling about no watches - of any description. All watches need to go into bags along with the switched off mobile phones.
Key Information
- Do make sure you know your timetable and seat numbers.
- Do make sure that you are on time. Try to be outside of the exam room at least 10 minutes before the exam begins.
- Ensure that all phones and watches are switched off and placed inside your bag. Bags are then placed at the back of the hall.
- Do make sure that you have all the correct equipment for the exam. Pens should be black ink.
- Once you are inside the Sports Hall, you are under exam conditions; therefore there should be no talking at all from the time you enter until the time you leave.
- Pencil cases and drinks bottles should be in a clear with no writing or labels on them.
Covid (Exams 2022)
The Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) has published updated guidance about how special consideration for exams, this summer, will work in the context of Covid-19, and the new Living with Covid strategy and UKHSA guidance. The guidance is here. The key points of the guidance are:
- Exam candidates will not be given free Covid tests during the series and will not be asked to provide tests to authenticate absence.
- In applying for special consideration on the grounds of absence, there is a slight relaxation of the rules this year, meaning that candidates can still get a grade if they have completed one unit/exam, rather than the previous requirement of 25% - for most qualifications this will not make a difference, but it may in a small number of cases.
- Candidates who are 18 and under who are unwell and have a high temperature, should be advised not to attend exams until they feel better and no longer have a temperature.
- Candidates who test positive for Covid (if they have chosen to take a test or have been directed to do so by a medical professional) should be advised not to attend exams for 3 days if they’re 18 or under.
- In all of the above situations, centres can apply for special consideration on the grounds of ‘absent from exam’. No specific evidence is required, but centres are asked to encourage candidates to complete a revised version of JCQ Form 14, on which they self-authenticate and sign to say they’re not committing exam malpractice. The form is encouraged, but not mandatory for centres to apply for special consideration.
- Special consideration will not be applied to candidates solely because they have suffered significant learning loss during their study due to Covid, either due to their own absence or their teachers’.
The official JCQ guidance can be accessed via the link below (click here)

Learning Records Service
The information below shows students how to access their Personal Learning Record and what the Learning Records Service is about.
Accessing your personal learning record (click link)

Privacy Notice 1 (click link) and Privacy Notice 2 (click link)