We have the highest expectations for our students at Noadswood, we believe that positive behaviour is a key foundation of good education. Students need to know that, as they grow up, they will take on responsibilities in the community that go hand in hand with their rights. It is the aim of this school to assist students to grow up with a clear and acceptable view of what is right and wrong; appreciating the needs of others and of the society around them.
Our behaviour system is designed to not only hold students to account, but empower them to make positive changes in their behaviour if they make the occasional mistake during their journey with us. At the heart of our system is a restorative approach that allows our staff to demonstrate empathy, teach children how to resolve conflict, and most importantly, allow students to have a voice. It's an opportunity for both the staff member and student to express their feelings about what's going on while setting high expectation of each other.
The framework for promoting positive behaviour will include a number of steps that allow staff to address any mistake a child might have made that day. The Restorative Conversation enables students to make a fresh start the following day, gives them an opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of other people’s needs, and the effect that they as individuals may have upon the ethos of the school. As the steps progress, our students will be provided with an increasing level of support in order to ensure a positive outcome.
5-Step Behaviour Plan

Digital Detox
As part of our highest, but also healthiest, expectations for our students we are reintroducing our 'Digital Detox' to run from when students arrive in their tutor bases to when they leave site at the end of the school day, so phones and ear pods should be out of sight, safely popped away through the day. Of course, should they need to check their phone because they're keen to see a message from you, or they have a reason for why they need to call home, they can approach their year leaders or any member of staff and we will make that happen for them. Equally, should they need just to check their timetable or check ePraise, they only need ask any adult, and this will be permitted.
Sometimes, teachers or support staff colleagues may ask the students to use their phones, if they have them, for a learning activity, but this will always be made clear to the students, and achievement will never depend on having a phone. We know our community will re-commit to a healthy breather from phones and online connection and communication when they're in school - it's a far better way to enjoy our days and the people with us.