Our Governing Body is made up from parents, community members and staff. We have 18 posts in total. Individually we have no authority but collectively we govern the workings of the school through corporate decision making.
To ensure that Noadswood continues to do all it can for its pupils, its staff and the wider community it is vital that interested and committed people are willing to put themselves forward and participate as governors.
Although governance is achieved through group decision making, each of the stakeholder bodies are represented on the Governing Body. For example two of the governors are parents of children at Noadswood and are selected through parent elections. We are a team made up of enthusiastic and committed people whose ultimate aim is to support and challenge the school to becoming an institution where every child has the opportunity to reach their full potential in a safe and secure and happy environment.
Minutes of Trust Board meetings may be obtained by contacting the clerk to the Trust Board by emailing clerk@noadswood.hants.sch.uk.