Well done if you have made it to this webpage to read this. You have already chosen to follow a path that will lead you to improving yourself. As we move through life, experienced adults realise that we are creatures of habit. Those of us who recognise this, and use the power of habits, can change ourselves more quickly to suit new situations. Many new things can be a little scary, even the idea of revising for your GCSE’s. Things are much less scary once we are used to them, sometimes we even forget that they ever worried us at all. Think riding a bike, or learning to swim. Once we have mastered something as a habit, we are then free to think about other greater and more interesting things. Once you have made revision a habit, you will enjoy the comfort of knowing that you can produce summary sheets, find and complete exam questions, and prepare yourself really well for your mock or real exams, giving the best of yourself, without making you nervous.
This site has some key top tips, links to specific revision pages, wellbeing advice and tips for parents. Do scroll down to explore further as well as the side links which include GCSE Subject Support (videos produced by each department for helpful tips), After School Support, Accessing Exam Timetables, Mocks and Internal Exams, VESPA, Exam Tips and Exam Resources. We really do hope you'll find the site useful.
Top Tips
To make something a habit, here are 4 top tips from the experts:
Make it obvious:
- Revise in one space – so you relate the area to ‘work’
- Leave your revision work out so you are ready to jump in
- Make a revision contract (timetable) to plan your time
- Stack good habits, like walking and listening to a subject podcast or revise and tidy your room.
Make it attractive:
- Revise with friends and go to revision sessions together
- Give yourself a medal for your mission (revise first then xbox later)
- Write a contract with your family about which days and times you will revise so they can support you.
Make it easy:
- Start small, 10 minutes a day can lead to 20 minutes a day when you are ready.
- Reduce distractions, no music or phone.
- Ask your family to encourage you.
- Tick off your revision timetable when you have finished a session.

How to Revise

Subject Revision Areas
Every Noadswood department has produced a bespoke revision site - please click below to be taken to FROG and then navigate to the department you require:
Key Stage 4 Revision Event Resources
We recently held a support evening for parents of Key Stage 4 students. Parents were invited in to attend sessions of their choice. The sessions covered areas such as Revision Techniques, Revision Timetables, Mental Health around the exam season, as well as departments giving parental advice on how to support with revision in their specialist subject areas. Please click below to access the resources that were used on this event.
Generic Revision Help / Links
Exams are pressure - and sometimes this pressure can build to you becoming anxious and worried. The document below is THE ‘go-to’ guide on getting to grips with how you feel. And remember, Noadswood have so much support via your tutor / Year Leader our ELSA - just let us know how you're feeling, and we will look to support you at every step.

You might prefer the Young Minds website, which includes:
- Dealing with exam stress
- Keep it in perspective
- Revision tips
- Dealing with disappointing exam results
- Get help now

Parents and Carers

Click this link to read more about the wellbeing of your child when it comes to exam time, produced by Young Minds: It contains some really useful information including:
- Things that can really help
- How can the school help?
- How to manage a 'disappointing' results day
- Where to get help