Dear Year 11 - a quick update to the leaving arrangements for 2023 including the last official day in May, leavers day in June and the expectations up until this date for lessons, as well as some hoodie, prom, results day and certification details...
Key Timeline
- Monday 15th May 2023 - GCSE exam window begins
- Friday 26th May 2023 - final normal school day
- Monday 5th June 2023 - adapted lesson timetables
- Wednesday 21st June 2023 - leavers celebration and signing out
- Thursday 6th July 2023 - prom
- Thursday 24th August 2023 - results day
*Thursday 8th June 2023 (afternoon), Thursday 15th June 2023 and Wednesday 28th June 2023 - GCSE exam contingency day (please keep these days free should they be required)
Key Events
The formal GCSE exam period begins on Monday 15th May 2023 until the 28th June 2023. Personalised exam timetables have been emailed to students and families. Students are expected to attend all exams in full Noadswood uniform.
During the mock exams, Year 11 have conducted themselves well entering the exam rooms etc, however we have found a number of students arriving without calculators and rulers for examples for key exams and on occasions we have run out of equipment. It is the responsibility of each student to arrive to their exams with their equipment and knowing their exam seat, as we have had to delay the start of exams when students have not checked this prior to arriving.
Each Year 11 through Tutor Time this month has been given a revision pack and exam pencil case, please can we ask that students use the Easter holidays and the weeks proceeding the exams to ensure they have everything they need.
Nationally the exam boards require all GCSE students across the country to be available on 28th June 2023 for the National GCSE Contingency Day. This is designed so that if nationally a GCSE day has to be postponed, the exams can take place on that day across the country. It is therefore imperative that your child is available if the exam boards require this.
Alongside the exam timetables, students will also receive a reminder of the Ofqual Exam Board regulations, please ensure you have read this with your child, as schools often receive spot checks during the GCSE exam period from the exam boards.
Adapted Lesson Timetables
Adapted lesson timetables begin Monday 5th June 2023 – normal school until this date and then on this date you only need to come in for lessons which still have an exam to be completed (though you are expected to come in).

Leavers Assembly and Signing Out
Whilst Friday 23rd June is the Additional Maths exam for some students, we will be holding the Year 11 Leavers Assembly for the whole year group on Wednesday 21st June, students will be asked to arrive between 10:30- 10:45am, followed by the assembly which finishes at 12:15pm. Year 11 are asked to attend this event in full Noadswood uniform, but they may like to bring a spare shirt to get signed during the breaktime at 11am.
*If you've got old uniform we would really welcome any donations for those families in need. If you can bring any uniform you no longer need which is in good condition and washed in a carrier bag we will have a drop-off area
Leavers Hoodies were launched this month and are ordered direct with the company Premier Teamwear, please note their closing date for orders of 30th April 2023 and using their postcode for the delivery address to avoid postage and packaging charges.
Leavers Prom launched on Arbor and deposits were paid last week, please keep an eye out at the start of term, for confirmation of the final ticket price. The event is being held on Thursday 6th July at Elmers Court.
Results Day
Thursday 24th August 2023 is GCSE Results Day, final timings will be issued towards the end of the exams, but Year 11 will be able to collect their results in the morning or access them via their emails in the afternoon.
The Class of 2023 will be welcomed back to Noadswood on the evening on Thursday 9th November 2023 to receive the GCSE certificates and awards. Further details about this will be emailed closer to the time.