Thursday 17th December 2020
Dear Parents and Carers,
As the end of this year approaches, I would like to thank you for your support, kind words and encouragement you have shown the Noadswood staff this term. It has really helped to make us feel valued and appreciated and we are very grateful.
During the Christmas holiday there is a requirement to track and trace for six days after school closes today (Thursday 17th December 2020). In order to achieve this, please could I ask that you follow these procedures over the Christmas period:
- If your child develops symptoms on Friday 18th December 2020 or Saturday 19th December 2020 please email us at
- If your child tests positive for coronavirus at any time between Friday 18th December 2020 and Wednesday 23rd December 2020 please email us at
Like we have done since the outbreak, this email address will be checked regularly each day and will allow us to then contact and advise members of our community about the potential need for self-isolation.

Wishing you all a wonderful break and Merry Christmas,

Kathryn Marshall and the Noadswood Leadership Team