You will be aware from the news and our posts yesterday of the rapid mass testing programme the Government is recommending schools implement from January 2021 (click here for DfE link). We are currently awaiting the guidance and details for this rapid testing programme for our students and colleagues who wish to participate in it.

If you would like to join a parent/colleague working party where you can put questions and offer ideas with Kathryn Marshall and other leaders, please contact us at We’d be especially keen to have you with us if you work or have experience within the health or clinical services.
In addition, we are also seeking volunteers within the community who may be able to offer a few hours a day to support the administering of this programme. We have been advised today via a DfE webinar that full online training will be provided as will PPE. We’re also told that clinical/public health experience is not required. If you have previous health or clinical experience, we’d be particularly keen to hear from you.
If you have the time/mindset to get involved with this work in our community, or know someone who might do, please let us know at

Details to follow regarding start to term arrangements for individual year groups/key groups of students.
With our continued thanks for your support,

Kathryn Marshall and the Noadswood Leadership Team