Tuesday 8th February 2022
Dear parents and carers,
I am messaging this afternoon following a report received into school from a parent as follows:
Yesterday at the end of school, at the bus stop on Challenger Way a man walked past a group of our students and then came back and offered them chocolate. Although they said no, he offered again, on saying no again, he walked away. 101 have been alerted to this.

I wanted to make you aware of this and to remind you that should your child/children encounter any problems on their way to or from school, please do report them immediately to myself, their Year Leader or directly to the Headteacher. We have been reassured by the neighbourhood policing team that additional patrols are taking place both in the reported and surrounding areas, including around the location of local schools. Should you have any concerns at all, please do contact me.
Kind regards,
Helen Loveday
Assistant Headteacher