Dear parents and carers,
Phone Line Issue - update 26/02/2024 (issue still ongoing)
We've been informed that during the half-term break our main switchboard phone lines have suffered an issue, and are currently not working. This is due to a major service outage in the local area, and we have been informed engineers are trying to resolve this issue in the local community as quickly as possible. This has been a significant issue since 19/02/2024 and it is incredibly frustrating that the phone lines remain down. We'll update you as soon as the system is back online in the normal way, and we continue to push with the local providers the importance of phone lines being reinstated for us.
Should you require to contact us, including for absences, please go via Class Charts in the usual way. You can also contact us via and directly to our year teams, who will be able to assist and direct as required. The email address for the year teams are as below:
We also have an emergency phone line where you can contact a member of the senior leadership team. Please only use this if there is a genuine emergency and you need to contact someone at Noadswood. The number is 07395 205274.
Should we need to contact you, as a parent or carer, our staff have access to mobile phones, so please rest assured should we need to contact you we will be able to.
With best wishes,

Kathryn Marshall and the Noadswood Leadership Team