Dear parents, carers and students,
Site Closure - Thursday November 2nd 2023
We've kept what we will do today under close review overnight and this morning, as we said we would, and we are writing to let you know that for two specific reasons we are reluctantly having to close the site today:
- Our area remains at an Amber weather warning for today, with all advice overtly stating that travel should only happen 'if absolutely necessary'. This worries us for everyone, including our young people walking to and from and around the school site and local area.
- All Southampton schools and a whole raft of other primary schools have made the decision to close, as you will have heard from yesterday afternoon, placing the numbers of colleagues compelled to be at home now for childcare reasons to be at a level where our site risk assessment for safe management of the school would be breached for a typical day, let alone one on which we would want additional supervision because of the weather.
We are genuinely very sorry to have to make this difficult decision; we know, as always, there will be a range of views about our doing so, but the two reasons above have had to inform our practice, sadly.
Work will be supplied via Frog for this one day, as we indicated last night it would be, were we to have to close.
Colleagues will be uploading work onto Frog in a chronological order according to their teaching timetable for the day, so your child may not see work for Periods 4 or 5, for instance, when they first log on.
If your child has any queries about their work in the course of the day, do ask them to email and it will be passed to the right person.
With our thanks for your understanding in this very unusual day, and our looking forward to seeing your children tomorrow, Friday 3rd November,

Kathryn Marshall and the Noadswood Leadership Team